College Hill CURC

Established in 1975, The College Hill Community Urban Redevelopment Corp (College Hill CURC) is a non-profit community development corporation located in the diverse and historic College Hill neighborhood of Cincinnati. College Hill CURC works closely with residents, neighborhood associations, business owners, and strategic partners to revitalize the Hamilton Avenue Business District to improve the surrounding community.  College Hill CURC’s work is concentrated in the following areas: Affordable Housing, Economic Development, Small Business Support, and Community Engagement.

The College Hill CURC is committed to fostering a diverse, inclusive, and equitable environment for all members of our staff, board, and community. We embrace diversity of all forms without limitation to race, ethnicity, sex, gender identity, language, age, nationality, disability, marital or parental status, or economic background.  We strive to foster a community where all employees, board/advisory board members, residents, and stakeholders feel valued. We recognize these efforts strengthen our ability to achieve our mission of revitalizing the Hamilton Avenue business district.

Building A Revitalized Business District in College Hill