
After 18 years of hard work, the corners of Hamilton and North Bend are coming to life!

In partnership with Pennrose LLC, the Ohio Finance Fund and the City of Cincinnati, the northern corners of Hamilton and North Bend will be coming to life in the coming year. The two buildings in the picture above represent the mixed-use development by Pennrose and the orange buildings on the far west side of the lot will be for sale products by D-HAS / Traditions. The last businesses that operated on the site location closed back in 2002 and the property has been sitting vacant, until now. The development will add density and housing units to the neighborhood which has invested significantly in its business district in recent years. This project has been a community dream for nearly 15 years and is estimated to be completed mid-2021.

On July 17, 2020 the community celebrated the groundbreaking on this site with a parade through the community of the first construction equipment.

Impact and Project Specifics

The finished project will create an anticipated 22 new full-time jobs with an estimated annual payroll of $665,000 within 18-months of project completion, and 60 temporary full-time equivalent construction jobs with an estimated payroll of $6,287,517.

The project includes:

  • 171 Market-Rate Apartments
  • 10,530 SF of street-level retail
  • 240-space parking lot
  • Streetscape improvements


We’re honored to see the community excitement for College Hill Station! At this moment there are no applications posted. If you would like to be be kept informed about leasing activities at HaNoBe, please click the link below and fill out the form.


You can follow our Facebook page (Facebook.com/chcurc) and Instagram (instagram.com/collegehillcurc) to see weekly updates going forward on this critical development.

Building A Revitalized Business District in College Hill