KeyMark – Knight Building
CH KeyMark LLC, in partnership between College Hill CURC and 8K Development, closed on $9.5 million in financing in 2021 to transform and reactivate the eastern side of Hamilton Avenue’s middle district in College Hill.
Purchased in 2017, the properties were fast-tracked in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in order to add critically needed affordable housing units and density to the heart of the business district and also support the existing businesses during these trying times.
KeyMark Development encompasses four buildings along Hamilton Avenue: 5906 (“Ruth Hellen”), 5910 (“The Knight Building”), 5920 (“The Furniture Store -now Sleepy Bee Cafe”), and 6060 Hamilton Avenue (“The Mergard Lanes”), as well as the redevelopment of East Lot. The project will transform those spaces to include 26 affordable housing units at The Mergard Lanes and The Ruth Hellen, including 11 wheelchair-accessible units and one built with ADA capabilities as well as creating nearly 70 free – public parking spaces.
The Knight Building marked the completion of Phase Two in December 2022. Built in 1910, the building was previously called the “College Hill Business Building”. The Knight Building served as Snack Shack for the Hollywood Drive-in Theatre during COVID-19. The building includes 3 commercial spaces (the 2 bays which are home to Manga Manga and Big Chill and the second floor).